Wednesday, June 15, 2011

CrossFit Day 2 and Adventures in Paleo!

Today was our second day of CrossFit On-Ramp.  I was seriously so anxious on the way there, because I thought "Okay, day 1 was our intro to CrossFit, so they probably went easy...and it was really freaking that means today is going to be even harder!"  I kept telling H on the way there about my nervous tummy, and he just kept reminding me that I could do it--he's so good and supportive!

We got there and got to meet Jonathan, who is the owner of Rugged Fitness.  He was a lot younger than I expected--kind of refreshing.  Another guy, James, came in to do his WOD while we On-Ramped.  It was just H and I again tonight, but that's kind of nice.  I really prefer one-on-one training (or as close to it as I can get--small group works too!) so it's nice to get that help and focus at RF. 

Tonight was definitely not as hard as Monday, which was kind of a relief.  Warm ups included using the rowing machine (love it!) and dynamic stretching.  Our skill set focused on presses and push presses, which we learned form with using PVC pipes--almost weightless!  It's nice to learn form before worrying about actual strength training on it.  Then we moved onto the WOD: counting down 10 to 1 wallballs and sit ups.  So much fun!!  Wallballs are great, and my abs feel awesomely sore after the sit ups!  Jonathan scaled it for me, so I only used a 6lb wallball and I only did my countdown from 8, but I know I could have done more.  I got through the workout and felt great!

...I think I'm loving CrossFit...even though I'm not good at it by any means.

I've been linking my blog to my Facebook, too, which is a first for me.  I didn't actually think people would want to read about my Paleo and CrossFit adventure, let alone ask me about it.  But the more I post, the more people I have messaging me, emailing me, and chatting with me about Paleo and CrossFit.  I'm glad to share information and help people find their healthiness and happiness through my own search!  Remember, though, that I'm also in the learning process, so some of this stuff is my own trial and error--just be warned :)  If you really want more info, check the "What is Paleo?" tab at the top.  There will be a "What is CrossFit" tab coming soon, too, so keep an eye out for that. 

Feel free to come along on the adventure, ask questions, post comments about your own adventures, and join in on the Paleo/CrossFit fun!

xoxo, M

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