Sunday, June 26, 2011

Easy Pork Loin Roast

Often, our local Meijer puts their pork loins on sale, which is great because we can eat off of that for a few days.  Check your stores and sale flyers, and stock up on these.  They create quick and easy Paleo meals--but be warned!:  You MUST trim off the extra fat from your loin.  You may want to leave a little on for flavor and good animal fats, but pork loins usually have a whole slab of fat on the bottom and you probably want to take most of that off.

I did mine in a crock-pot because it's easiest, but this can be done in the oven--see the note at the bottom of this page.

Pork Loin Roast

1 large pork loin (we usually get one that is 3-5 lbs)
Ground rosemary
Garlic powder
Salt and pepper

Cut the fat slab off the pork loin to make it a leaner cut.  You may also have to cut your pork loin in half to make it fit in your crock pot or roasting pan.

Drizzle the pork loin with EVOO and rub the oil into the loin.  Generously sprinkle the loin with ground rosemary, garlic, salt, and pepper, then pat it into the loin to make sure it's coated (don't rub, a wine stain on your white carpet)

Place the loin into the crockpot (we had to wedge the loin in to make it fit, even after cutting it) and put about 1/3 cup of water at the bottom of the pot.  You could put veggies like carrots, celery, onions, etc. in at this point, but we did it just as-is. 

**If you want to cook this in a roasting pan in the oven, you need to put the water on the bottom of the pan.  Then you want to either put in a small cooking rack or use veggies to keep the roast off the bottom of the roasting pan.  Cover the pan with foil and seal around the edges to keep the moisture in--this will make sure your roast doesn't dry out.  Cook it at 300 degrees for 5 to 6 hours.  The roast should be white (NO PINK!) all the way through when you cut it open**

Cook the roast in the crock pot on low for 2 hours, then on high for 1 1/2 hours.  The roast should be white (NO PINK!) all the way through when you cut it open.

This goes great with roasted broccoli or a nice salad.

xoxo, M

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