I'm an avid reader of different Paleo and CrossFit blogs, partially because it keeps me motivated, partially because they post some really great research stuff and information (including recipes!) about the topics, and partially because I really enjoy their sarcastic sense of humor. What can I say? My first fluent language was sarcasm (thanks to my mom and dad) and I enjoy people who speak it well.
Some of my top picks are FitBomb (for his information and articles), Nom Nom Paleo (for her kick butt recipes and her great sense of humor about CrossFit), and Everyday Paleo (for everything in between and more)
Recently, Everyday Paleo has been ranting about scales. You can read it all here (pt 1) and here (pt 2) but basically it's pointing out that you can be 155lbs and fat, or you can be 155lbs and muscular--it's not about the weight, it's about the build of your body at that weight. My goal has been to get down to 135 and be lean/muscular; I've been 135 before, but never with muscle and never toned. H has really pushed me to get to the point of believing that it's not about the number on the scale, it's about how my clothes fit and how my body looks. I've read the articles, I've heard him tell me all of this, but for some reason the number on the scale has been really important to me. I know, I know, muscle weighs more than fat, blah blah blah. I get it. It's just getting myself to stop stepping on that stupid scale in the bathroom.
For the past 2 weeks, my weight has not changed. I have been at a solid 165 every time I step on the bathroom scale. I was hoping maybe our scale somehow decided that 165 was its favorite number so I started weighing myself at the gym, too. Guess what? My scale does not have a favorite number--my body apparently does.
This became frustrating. To the point I had a minor (like 3 minute long) breakdown to H about how I'm working so hard at the gym and at CrossFit and how I'm following Paleo 95/5 and for some reason all of a sudden nothing is changing. He was quick to point out I was wrong (I usually am...don't tell him that) because I've gained a lot of muscle and strength the past few weeks. I'm upping my starting weight and my max weight, I'm able to do more reps at my usual weights, and I can actually see some muscle definition (woo hoo!) in my arms, back, and shoulders. Once again it went in one ear and out the other because it wasn't really making me feel better about the number on the scale.
Then it happened. ::insert "duh duh DUH" music here::
I put on a pair of cotton capri pants that I'd bought about a 2 months ago purposefully in a size and a half smaller than what I was wearing at that time. When I bought them, I couldn't really button them. 2 weeks ago, I could button them but they were still tight. This week I put them on and they were actually getting a little loose.
Let me repeat that for you incase you missed it:
I put on pants that were a little tight 2 weeks ago (when I weighed 165) and they were a little loose (also when I weighed 165)
I hate to say it, but H and Everyday Paleo were right--ditch the scale! My weight hasn't changed, but clearly my waistline and the build of my body are. It's frustrating to get on that scale everyday and see the same number, but clearly something is happening to improve my body, and I like it!
Does this mean I'm going to throw away my scale? Heck no! I paid good money for that thing (and by good money, I mean $7 at Target!) But I'm going to stop getting on it every time I pee, or brush my teeth, or take a shower, or just go into the bathroom for kicks and giggles. And I'm going to attempt to get my mind to accept the idea that the number on the scale is just a number.
xoxo, M
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